Dainius Genys (LT) – Office Manager

Dr. Dainius Genys, sociologist, defended his PhD in 2011 at Vytautas Magnus University focusing on “The boundaries of civil society and its conflicts”. He recently completed a research project on “The Impact of Energy Threats to Lithuanian Social Cohesion (Energopolis)“, Dr. Genys was visiting fellow at The Harriman Institute for Russian, Eurasian and East European Studies (Columbia University, New York, USA), the NATO Energy Security Center of Excellence (Vilnius, Lithuania), the Maxwell School for Citizenship and Public Affairs (Syracuse University, Syracuse, USA), and the Hary S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace (Hebrew university, Israel). He is a member of Lithuanian Sociological Association, the European Sociological Association, the Advancement of the Baltic Studies Association (AABS) and Energy policy research group. His interests focus on democratization processes (with a special focus on civil society, sociology of energy security, and sport). He is co-author of the book – Sociology of energy security. Theory and practice.

Dainius Genys published 15 academic papers on various aspects of energy security in Lithuanian and English and gave more than 20 presentations at international and national conferences. He participated in many projects financed by the Research Council of Lithuania and the European Commission

The Andrei Sakharov Research Center contributes to the development of a pluralist and democratic society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.