Cartooning the Future is a programme for Lithuanian youth, that through the power of cartoons aims to inspire younger generations to think critically about Human Rights issues of the day and by way of honest and open dialogue work towards shaping a united vision for a future we need moving forward. Along the way, the programme will grow awareness between different perspectives, bring Human Rights issues of the past and present into the forefront by reflecting on two WOII heroes – Dutch Consul Jan Zwartendijk and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Andrei Sakharov - build resilience and foster youth’s confidence in their ability to have a voice and take ownership in shaping their own future… all while becoming part of a global ongoing mosaic of cartoons. #Cartooningthefuture - Together, we definewhat's next!
· Cartooning the future programme (4 hours): we ask YOU to share yourideas about how YOU hope the future should look, what are today'sissues you'd like to see solved or changed?
· Online: A global network of over 700 cartoonists will turn YOUR ideasfor OUR future into life, through the power of CARTOONS.
September 23rd
· Exhibition: The cartoons, based on your ideas, will be shown inexhibitions and shared with decision makers
· Meeting at Dutch embassy in Vilnius: Join the DIALOGUE and helpSHAPE the future WE need!
The programme is entirely free. It is designed for youth (15-35 years old), who are curious to share their vision on how the future should look, interested in dialogues with peers and who are keen to practice or develop new competences on critical thinking and resilience.