Sarunas Liekis (LT)

Šarunas Liekis is a Dean and Professor  of School of  Political Science and Diplomacy at Vytautas Magnus University. He studied at Vilnius University (habilitation procedure passed in 2005); Brandeis University, Waltham, USA (1993-1998, PhD); Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel (1995-1996); Oxford University and OCPHS, UK (1991-1992, Diploma). Professor, Department of Politics, Mykolas Romeris University (from 2000). Earlier on Miles Lerman Research Fellow of the Center for the Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (2001-2002); Assistant Professor, Department of History, Vilnius University (1999-2000);  Director of Programs at the Open Society Fund Lithuania (1997-2001) Research and Teaching Assistant at Brandeis University (1993-1997).

Prof. Liekis was an expert for the Lithuanian Government Department for Minorities (2003-2010); Member of the Board of the  Lithuanian Human Rights Monitoring Institute (from 2015) Country deputy expert for the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) at the Council of Europe (from 2002); Country Expert at ECRI from 2013 and member of the ECRI Bureau from 2015.  Country Deputy Expert for the EUMC in Vienna, Austria (from 2003); Chairman of the Board of the NGO Information and Support Center, Vilnius, Lithuania (from 2000 to 2005). He is a board member of Human Rights Monitoring Institute. Prof. Liekis is on the board of nine academic journals.

Prof. Liekis is an author and co-author of over 50 articles and six books. His last books are 1939: The Year that Changed Everything in Lithuania’s History. Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2010 and co-edited Liekis Š., Antony Polonsky and Chaeran Freeze, Jews in the Former Grand Duchy of Lithuania since 1772, Polin. Vol. 25, Oxford, 2013.

The Andrei Sakharov Research Center contributes to the development of a pluralist and democratic society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.

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