Ineta Dabasinskiene (LT)

Prof. Ineta Dabašinskienė is the Vice-Rector for International Relations of Vytautas Magnus University, Professor in the Department of Lithuanian Language as well as the head of the Centre of Intercultural Communication and Multilingualism Research. Research priorities of prof. Dabašinskienė include psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics, language policy and multilingualism, applied linguistics, grammar, spoken language and pragmatics. She has been an active member of various national European Commission-initiated, and other international projects of science and education; in most of them, she works either as a coordinator or a partner. What is more, she has received an international recognition for the quality, relevance and dissemination of the projects she has implemented. She is an active participant in international expert activities, e.g. an expert in High Level Group on Multilingualism under the European Commissioner for Multilingualism, as well as an expert of EC FP6, FP7 and the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Dabasinskiene has been a participant of academic traineeships in Poland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Russia, Croatia, and the USA. Ineta Dabašinskienė was granted funding for research by UNESCO programme Funds-in-Trust, the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Open Society Fund Lithuania as well as Fulbright and Fulbright Alumni scholarships (New York, USA). As a participant of exchange programmes and in accordance with other agreements, Ineta Dabašinskienė holds lectures in universities across Europe, USA, China, and Japan.

Professor Dabašinskienė is a member of various scientific associations and organizations. She has published monographs and scientific publications in Lithuanian and international scientific periodicals, in addition to editing a number of scientific international publications. She is also a member of several editorial boards of periodical scientific publications.

The Andrei Sakharov Research Center contributes to the development of a pluralist and democratic society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.