Sir Andrew Wood (UK) - former UK Ambassador to Yugoslavia, Russia  and Moldova

Andrew Wood has been an Associate Fellow of Chatham House since 2005. He was a member of the British Diplomatic Service between 1961and 2000. He served three times in Moscow (1964-6, 1979-82 and, as Ambassador, 1995-2000), Belgrade (1975-79, and as Ambassador to Yugoslavia 1985-9) and Washington DC (1967-70 and 1989-92).  He was until 2012 a regular visitor to Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union on behalf of a number of UK based enterprises, including BP for the term of its partnership with AAR to form TNK-BP. (BP now being associated with Rosneft)

 He was the co-author with Lilia Shevtsova of a dialogue entitled “Change or Decay - Russia’s Dilemma and the West’s Response” (Carnegie, November 2011), a contributor to “The Russia Challenge” published by Chatham House in June 2015, and the author of the Chatham House report of March 2018 “Putin and Russia, 2018-2024: What Next?”. He has also published regularly for The American Interest, most recently “Russia 2018-2024: the Power Structures” in October 2018. He is in addition a regular commentator on British and US media.

The Andrei Sakharov Research Center contributes to the development of a pluralist and democratic society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.