Untitled design (4)

Brick After Brick
Anatomy of War : Ukraine

Vilnius Town Hall, May 3rd - 19th

Three exhibitions: "Maler" paintings exhibition of former ambassador and public figure Petras Vaitiekūnas, "Brick After Brick" exhibition of Ukrainian ceramic works and "Anatomy of War: Ukraine" exhibition of Ukrainian war artifacts.

Many Lithuanians know Petras Vaitiekūnas as a politician, diplomat, former minister of foreign affairs, member of the Supreme Council - Restorative Seimas, signatory and now we invite you to get acquainted with the artistic side of this outstanding personality. The "Maler" exhibition presents a large part of the works painted by Petras Vaitiekūnas over more than 40 years. The name is not accidental - the KGB agents that followed him, called Petras Vaitiekūnas by this German word meaning painter.

At the same time, the ceramic exhibition "Brick After Brick" will be held in the town hall. Association of Artists, Group of Cultural Initiatives "Kvadratas" invited Ukrainian ceramicists to implement a joint project of support for Ukraine - the art installation "Brick After Brick". This installation consists of artistic interpretations of ceramic bricks. The bricks are presented to the viewer side by side, like Ukrainian people of different characters in the face of tragedy - strong and united.

On May 19th we will organize an auction in Vilnius Town Hall, where it will be possible to purchase both Mr. Vaitiekūnas' paintings and works of Ukrainian ceramics and donate them to Ukraine.

Also, on May 3rd the exhibition of Ukrainian war artifacts "Anatomy of War: Ukraine" will open its doors in the former premises of the Tourism Information Center of Vilnius Town Hall. Artifacts of protests and war in Ukraine - since 2014 - will be exhibited in the exhibition. From the Maidan protests to the annexation of Crimea and the military conflicts in Donetsk and Luhansk, and the events that took place just a few months or weeks ago in Bucha, Bakhmut and other high-intensity war zones.

Opening of Exibitions


The Andrei Sakharov Research Center contributes to the development of a pluralist and democratic society in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.