James Nixey is the Director of the Russia and Eurasia Programme at Chatham House. He leads the Russia-Eurasia programme, and his principal expertise concerns the relationships between Russia and the other post-Soviet states. He has published papers and articles in books and journals, and commented extensively in the national and global media.
He has organized hundreds of private expert roundtables on Russian and Eurasian affairs while at Chatham House. Publications include The Long Goodbye: Waning Russian Influence in The South Caucasus and Central Asia, ‘Russia’s Geopolitical Compass: Losing Direction’ in, Putin Again: Implications for Russia and the West, and ‘The South Caucasus: Drama on Three Stages’ in A Question of Leadership: America’s Role in a Changed World.
As the principal fundraiser for the Russia-Eurasia programme, he has raised money for projects from dozens of corporate sector companies, governments and grant-giving institutions.
James Nixey holds degrees in modern languages and international relations and has previous experience in journalism (as a reporter in Moscow in the late 1990s) and the banking sector, for Goldman Sachs.