Education. In 1993 graduated from Vilnius University Faculty of Physics. In1996 graduated from College of Strategic Studies and Defense Economy, European George C. Marshall Center for Security studies Garmish - Partenkirhen (Germany). 1997 Senior research fellow in Department of War Studies, King’s College, London University (GB) and in Tampere Peace Research Institute, Tampere University (Finland). 2002-2006 Doctoral studies and lecture at Institute of International Relations and Political science, Vilnius University. 2020-2021 Lithuanian Sports University.

Work experience. He started his career in 1992 as Senior Executive Officer in newly established Lithuanian defence structures. He continued his service as Head of section and later as Deputy Director of Defense Policy and Programs Department in Ministry of Defense. He was responsible for defence and security policy planning, international relation, drafting of defence and security legislation (including National Security Strategy), strategic development of Lithuanian armed forces, programming defence budget. In 1997 he was appointed as Deputy Chancellor of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. He was Representative of the Government in the Parliament and responsible for the relations between Government and other main state institutions Parliament, President, Municipalities. By the decision of the Government in 1999 he was appointed as Executive Director of the International Commission for the Evaluation of the Crimes of the Nazi and Soviet Occupation Regimes in Lithuania. In this position he is responsible for the work of the Administration (Secretariat) of the International Historical Commission, relations with members of the Commission, coordination of research and education process, project management, international relations, contacts with different interests groups (victims of totalitarian regimes, historians, educators, students, youth organizations, diplomats, politicians), consultation of state leaders on relevant issues. He is initiator and coordinator of various remembrance and education initiatives in Lithuania and internationally to commemorate victims of totalitarian regimes and condemnation of their crimes. He served as a member of state established Governmental working groups dealing with questions of historical justice, condemnation of Communism crimes, compensation issues, education and memoralization. He is the Deputy Chairman of the the Inter-institutional Commission for Evaluating the Compliance of Public Objects with the Prohibition of the Promotion of Totalitarian, Authoritarian Regimes and their Ideologies. R.Racinskas is actively involved in the international processes of establishment of historical justice, development of the culture of remembrance. He is Deputy Head of Lithuanian delegation to International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.