Dr Darren Minshall is a consultant psychiatristwho has served in the Royal Navy since joiningon a medical cadetship in 2001. He is currentlythe Defence Consultant Advisor in Psychiatry, andhe provides expert clinical and clinical policyadvice acrossthe Armed Forces, as well asprofessional leadership of the speciality, tosupport an occupationally focused mentalhealthcare service for all service personnel.Hewas previously deployed as a Ship’s MedicalOfficer to the Middle East, Caribbean andFalkland Islands, currently holds the rank ofSurgeon Captain and his qualifications include thediploma in occupational medicine. Darren haslead the Department of Community Mental Healthin HM Naval Base Devonport, where he continuesactive clinical practice. He has also undertakenstaff appointments as the Medical Officers’CareerManager and in occupational medical policy, andhas completed the Advanced Command and StaffCourse.In June 2022,Darren assumed the Chair of the Occupational Psychiatry Specialist InterestGroup. He advocates the importance of good work for mental health and believes that supportingan individual’s occupational function is a key aspect of holistic clinical care. Darren is also amember of the South West Division Executive and is the Deputy Regional Advisor for Peninsulaand Channel Islands.