Grigory Amnuel – director, producer, politician, publicist, is the author of more than 30 documentaries, including "Awakening - A Chronicle of turning days" (he was awarded a medal "Defender of a Free Russia" by the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin for this film and for active participation in the events of August 1991 at the White House in Moscow), "Redlich - people from the other side" (the prize of the film festival "Russians Abroad"), "The Poste Restante Diary" (a film about the deportation of the Baltic peoples in the spring of 1941), and "Age of delirium" (based on the book by David Sutter - three chapters of the film are dedicated to Lithuania).

He was also the distributor of the film "Reaction" directed by V. Gerchikov (about the reaction of the Russian society to the

Khodorkovsky case), he presented the film in the European Parliament, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, USA, and Georgia.
He is a laureate and award winner at international film festivals, member of the board of the "Cinema Union", Chairman of the Commission on Social Issues, organizer of the film festivals "Masterpieces of world cinema banned in the USSR" and "Masterpieces of Italian cinema unknown in the USSR", various retrospectives of outstanding international films, director of the "American-Soviet Film Festival of screenwriters in the USSR and the USA.

He was also deputy director-general of the American-Soviet Film Initiative - ASK, artistic director of the cinema and cultural company "Euro ASK".
In 2020, after the adoption by the State Duma and the signing by the President of the Russian Federation of the Law on Criminal Liability for Distorting the Official Russian and Soviet Historiography of the Second World War, he was forced to leave Russia under the threat of imprisonment. Currently, he lives in Europe, continuing his active political and creative activities.